Mar 24, 2022 | Kidz Childcare Group, South Nowra Learning Centre
Every Year on the 21st March the world celebrates World Down Syndrome Day. South Nowra Early Learning Centre spent all week rocking crazy socks to celebrate, raise awareness and advocate for those living with Down Syndrome. It is a global awareness day which has been...
Nov 3, 2021 | Kidz Childcare Group, Rainbows Early Learning Centre Singleton
Each year Rainbows Preschool children go to the Country with Uncle Warren to the Baiame caves. This experience immerses the children in Aboriginal art, connecting with Country and Aboriginal dreamtime stories. Uncle Warren Taggart is a huge supporter of Aboriginal...
Nov 3, 2021 | Kidz Childcare Group, Pitt St Kindy North Nowra
Our Centre, Pitt Street Kindy, has been selected to take part in this exciting new experiment. The project is a historic opportunity for young Australian learners, and we are so proud to be a part of it. In collaboration with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency...